Friday, March 13, 2015

No Poo and Why?

Hello everyone!

I am now ending my second week. I have washed my hair twice with baking soda and apple cider vinigar. It has been 5 days since I last washed my hair with bs/acv. My hair is not greasy and transitioning well. If I need to freshen up my curl I simply just wet my hair. I LOVE NO POO!

Lets take a look at why NO POO or LOW POO is a good choice.


They make your hair and skin smooth and fills in and smooths your skin in skin care products. sounds great right? Not to me. I dont want to walk around with a coating of silicone on my face and hair. That can not be good in the long run. This covering traps dirt and debris...can you say break out much? These also are non biodegradable and poloute our enviroment...oh yeah the one WE and OUR kids live in.

Polyethelyne Glycol.

Also called PEG/Polyethelyne or Polyoxyethelyne, this ingredient is included in shampoos as a thickening agent. This strips your skin and hair of natural moisture...counter productive no? Well we have a chemical to counter act that feeling and its above ^

Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA).

 Products containing DEA or TEA can cause scalp irritation and bad allergic reactions, and they also destroy all the good stuff in your hair (such as keratin), making your hair dry, brittle, and lifeless.
Dont worry got a chemical to cover that up too!


 Used to prolong shelf life of an average hair-care product, parabens like methylparaben and propylparaben are chemicals that are known for their toxic nature. Parabens not only irritate the skin—which can make your scalp unhealthy—they can also affect your hormonal balance, which can result in hair loss.


 Excessive exposure to formaldehyde, which is found in some shampoos, may cause some hair loss. Great!

Propylene Glycol. 

Also known as the antifreeze you put in your car, propylene glycol is a common ingredient in shampoos and other personal care products to keep the product from freezing during shipping and storage. It can irritate skin, causing allergic reactions, and it alters skin structure. Just what i need!

Stay informed and stay crunchy!

missie xo

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Crystal Infused Soap

The power of crystal infused soap is amazing! Start your morning journey off right.

I first rinse the stone and let it dry..I let it sit covered in sea salt and use this time to meditate picturing light surrounding the stone and the stone filling the salt with its powers. I remove the stone and let it sit in coconut oil while repeating the meditation and visualization.

I make the soap with 100% coconut infused oil and the sea salt.

Hand etching the soap is also a form of meditation while i finish the process of making a crystal infuses salt soap!


keep crunchy
missie xo

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A bit of True Bliss

Hello folks!

You know what I decided?

I'm going to talk about some things I love here and their.

A couple months ago I received a little gem of an item.

Now let me tell you, when I started out in this business I made lotion bars, however not like this little sucker.This is like the rose amongst thorns.

 Lotion bars are often greasy and oily that melt instantly to the touch of your skin...not this one. This one is solid, yet glides easy on the skin. Moisturizing yet not oily or slick. In my professional opinion this is the best lotion bar I've ever used and I really like my own stuff I am what you would call a  bit of a MISSIE snob!

This bar contains cocoa butter, mango butter, avocado oil, beeswax, rice bran oil and vitamin e.

Now lets talk containers for people in the know. This tin is perfect. Ive bought them before however the damn lid slips off too easy and doesn't stay on. This is not the case with these its snug yet easy to open. LOVE IT! Kinda jelly over here wondering where they came from ?!?!

- missie xo

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hair Tea leave in recipe

Simmer all together, and add essential oils

2 cups of distilled water
2 tbs of calendula
2 tbs of lavender
2 tbs burdock root
2 tbs dandelion root
2 tbs ginger root
1 peppermint tea bag

lavender.tea tree, patchouli essential oil for scent

I use this with my ACV rinse and as a daily leave in. My dry curly hair loves it! And its very soothing to the scalp and help scalp conditions and dandruff as well as growth.

Stay Crunchy Folks!

The Journey of no more shampoo....

Did I just say that to myself? 

I am no longer going to use shampoo or soap in my hair. I will allow the silicones and chemicals to dissipate in a ceremonial last HOO-RA! I threw a party. I did a dance, and went to my local health food store. I purchased organic with the mother apple cider vinegar. I purchased Baking soda. I also purchased some ginger root, dandelion root, burdock root, lavender buds and calendula.

I previously for the last few years trained my hair so that i only washed it once a week....Washing your hair strips the natural sebum and their for tricks your scalp into thinking it needs to make more to replace what you just striped off so you have to wash it soon again....Shampoo you tricky devil! My hair is curly, damaged and DRY!

I mixed up 2 cups of water and 2 tsp. of baking soda to 'wash' my hair, now washing your hair with something that doesn't bubble or foam plays tricks on your mind. You think to yourself...WTS this isn't going to clean my hair, but it did. You need to re balance your PH so I 'conditioned' with 2 cups of water and 2 tsp of ACV (apple cider vinegar). You think to yourself...this smells terrible...this is vinegar...this is cray cray. Its not. It works.

My hair feels good, Its soft and not crunchy. I have not used shampoo in 9 days! Can you go 9 days with no shampoo? Yes you can it just takes work! This is a journey and its not for the faint of heart. Next week I will be shampooing with egg! Stay tuned!

And just for funzies your asking yourself what is the mother referring to vinegar?

Mother of vinegar[1] is a substance composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops on fermenting alcoholicliquids, which turns alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen from the air. It is added to winecider, or other alcoholic liquids to produce vinegar. Mother of vinegar is also known as Mycoderma aceti, a New Latin expression, from the Greek μὑκης (fungus) plusδἐρμα (skin), and the Latin aceti (of the acid).[2]
Mother of vinegar can also form in store-bought vinegar if there is some non-fermented sugar and/or alcohol contained in the vinegar. This is more common in unpasteurized vinegar. While not appetizing in appearance, mother of vinegar is completely harmless and the surrounding vinegar does not have to be discarded because of it. It can be filtered out using a coffee filter, used to start a bottle of vinegar, or simply left in and ignored, or enjoyed.

HAHAHA! I mixed that sucker up and used it! Its SOOOOOO good for you!
I told you it wasn't for the faint of heart!

-Missie xo